Can you believe that November is already here? October flew by! Here is the link to our November Family Flyer, https://www.smore.com/7vhds.

This week is Red Ribbon Week

We are accepting donations for this year's carnival! Please see below if you would like to make a donation.

October PTO Meeting

You can read our October Family Flyer at this link, https://www.smore.com/m7qnu.
We are still collecting toilet paper and paper towel rolls.

We need your help! 🧻

Scholastic Book Fair begins next week! 📚

College Go! Week is September 25-28. This is an excellent opportunity for students to begin thinking about post-high school education, potential career interests, and to note that what they are learning in elementary school is a building block to their future!

Breakfast and Lunch Menus for the week of September 18-22.

Join us for our PTO meeting

September 28th - Parents, please join us...

Second graders in Mrs. Redenius' class were working hard today on their personal narrative pre writes!

We are so excited for reading night next Tuesday, September 12th! 📚⚾️

Congrats to Mrs. Buhro's and Mrs. McHenry's first grade classes for earning the most Wildcat Way tickets last week! They each hold the golden trophy for the week. 🎉

Kindergarten released 1 of their butterflies today! 🦋

We will be welcoming grandparents into the building this Friday, September 8th.
Please see below for scheduled times.

Join us for our September PTO meeting!

Great job to our Wildcat Way week 3 winners! 🎉
You have done a great job being respectful, responsible, and safe!


North Side Families,
Please find the September Family at this link, https://www.smore.com/qa84n. September is a busy month!
Mrs. Leasure