Check out these Kindergarten students who are dressing up for Wear Red Week.
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Kindergarten Nerd Day
Kindergarten Wear Red Day
These students are ready for Red Ribbon Week!
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
These students are ready for Red Ribbon Week!
Check out these students dressed up for Red Ribbon Week.
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
East Noble School Counseling Department and Anti-Trafficking Network of Northeast Indiana invite you to join us for a presentation on the dangers and how to keep children safe from human trafficking on Tuesday, October 22nd at 6pm at East Noble Middle School.
over 5 years ago, East Noble School Counseling
It’s Red Ribbon Week and our students are too smart to start drugs!
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Our students are too smart to start drugs!
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Box Top Contest still going on.....
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Who will win?
Red Ribbon week is October 21-25th. Help us celebrate being drug free with the following dress up days.
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Red Ribbon Week is October 21-25th.
DON'T MISS OUT! Catch up with the latest student stories, event info, and news updates. It’s everything East Noble, in your pocket. If you haven’t already, download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 5 years ago, East Noble Technology
East Noble App
Kindergarten students learning about community helpers from Sargent Beall. Part 3.
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Kindergarten students
Kindergarten students
Kindergarten students
Kindergarten students
We look forward to seeing all of you at Parent/Teacher conferences on Thursday! They are from 3:30-7:30, conference times were sent home with students.
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Kindergarten learning about community helpers from Sargent Beall. Part 2.
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Kindergarten students
Kindergarten students
Kindergarten students
Kindergarten students
As part of our study of community helpers, Sargent Beall was a guest speaker for the Kindergarten classes. The students got to see some of the equipment police officers use, they got to sit in a real police car, and got to hear about what a police officer does. Some important advice officer Beall gave the students is to study hard because police officers (as well as workers in most jobs) have to write every day! The ‘tool’ Officer Beall uses the most is his words. Most conflicts/problems can be resolved by talking to each other. He gave the students some very important safety information about guns, reminding them to NEVER touch a gun if they see one. Guns are tools for adults, never for kids.
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Kindergarten students
Kindergarten students
Kindergarten students
Kindergarten students
5th grade Socratic Seminar - Great Discussions!
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Sharing thoughts based on evidence
Using sentence stems
Getting ready to discuss
Pre-school visit with firefighters
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Testing it out
Cool uniforms
FINDING OUT what's to eat in your child's school has gotten easier since the launch of our new ENSC website and app. Want to see what's for lunch today? CHECK THE APP! Want to print a PDF of the entire month? GO TO THE WEBSITE! For more info, go to!
over 5 years ago, East Noble Technology
What's for Lunch?
FINDING OUT what's to eat in your child's school has gotten easier since the launch of our new ENSC website and app. Want to see what's for lunch today? CHECK THE APP! Want to print a PDF of the entire month? GO TO THE WEBSITE! For more info, go to!
over 5 years ago, East Noble Technology
Great Attendance! September Lunch Bunch
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Pizza, chips, cookies and juice, YUM!!!
Donuts with Dad or Someone Special was a success! Thank you PTO!!!
over 5 years ago, North Side Wildcats
Yummy donuts
Great times!
Enjoying time together!
We are loving our new app! Access event information, cafeteria menus, news updates, and more! Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 5 years ago, East Noble Technology
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