Good morning North Side Families! Two days until March, WOW! Here is the link to our March Family Flyer, https://www.smore.com/95hn3. Have a wonderful week!

North Side Families,
Here is the link to our February Family Flyer, https://www.smore.com/pj8wk
Stephanie Leasure

My apologies, I forgot the date of the February PTO meeting. Here is an updated flyer for the meeting. Enjoy your weekend!

Join us for our February PTO Meeting

Today is a B day, here is what your day will look like:
K and 1st:
9:30-10:30 Reading
10:45-11:30 – Math
12:00-12:45 Specials IF you have Gym, Music or Art; If you have Makerspace or Library, you will have Science or Soc. Studies
2nd and 3rd:
9:30-10:30 Reading
10:45-11:30 Specials Class IF you have Gym, Music or Art; If you have Makerspace or Library, you will have Science or Soc. Studies
12:00-12:45 Math
4th and 5th:
9:30-10:15 Specials Class IF you have Gym, Music or Art; If you have Makerspace or Library, you will have Science or Soc. Studies
10:30-11:30 Reading
12:00-12:45 Math
If your child is unable to join live, please check SeeSaw/Canvas for a recording of the lesson. Stay warm!

North Side Families,
Here is our schedule for today's virtual learning (January 23rd). Teachers should post on Seesaw with more specific information regarding specials class or science/social studies.
See the schedule below.

Please join us for our January PTO Meeting

Happy New Year North Side Families!
Our January Family Flyer can be found at this link, https://www.smore.com/2qkh9. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing the students on January 3rd.

Are you a parent who uses the PowerSchool Parent app to view your child's grades? A number of people have reported seeing a syncing error when using the app. To solve this issue, simply log off the app and then back in; you should then be able use the app successfully.

Happy Thanksgiving North Side Families! Here is our December Family flyer, https://www.smore.com/04ukb. We look forward to the fun planned in December.

North Side Art Club working hard on our newest mural! Thank you Mrs. C for making this happen!

Today is our first Virtual Learning Day. Here are the times that students should get on Microsoft Teams for LIVE learning with their teachers:
Kindergarten and 1st grade:
9:30-10:30 ELA Instruction
10:45-11:30 Math Instruction
12:00-12:45 Science/Social Studies
Second and Third Grade:
9:30-10:30 ELA Instruction
10:45-11:30 Science/Social Studies
12:00-12:45 Math Instruction
Fourth and Fifth Grade:
9:30-10:15 Science/Social Studies
10:30-11:30 ELA Instruction
12:00-12:45 Math Instruction
Please reach out to the teacher or myself, if you have any questions
Mrs. Leasure

Welcoming November 2022.....Please find our North Side Family Flyer at this link, https://www.smore.com/39xwy

Happy Fall Break North Side Families! Please find our October Family Flyer at this link, https://www.smore.com/9tn24.
We look forward to seeing our students on Monday!!!

October PTO Meeting

Don't miss a chance to sit down and talk with Superintendent, Dr. Teresa Gremaux at these upcoming PTO/PAC meetings. If you are unable to attend any meeting in person and wish to attend virtually, please contact Jami Hall, jhall@eastnoble.net, to sign up for the virtual option. The virtual option is available for all of our schools.

Grandparents Day 2022! So happy to have all of our wonderful grandparents in the building again!


Please join us and help plan our school carnival!!!

North Side Families,
Can you believe that September will be here this coming week? Time flies when you are having fun in school! You may find our September Family Flyer at this link, https://www.smore.com/4bx1p. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!